Nominate an Unsung Hero for an Epoch Award
“These people have committed their lives to fighting poverty and bringing hope to dark places in the world. They deserve recognition, precisely because they didn’t ask for it.” –Jeff Goins
Do you knowan unsung hero who is actively serving others and whose bravery is ratherunknown? I recently learned about the 2013 Epoch Awards, which serve to honorthe unsung heroes on the front lines of ministry. This black-tie event willhonor missions innovators who are tackling the issues of poverty, sextrafficking, HIV/AIDS, the need for clean water, homelessness, and discipleshipamong other needs.
Awardsinclude the following:
• The
InnovativeStart-Up Award will go the person or organization taking risks to pioneersomething new and revolutionary in his/her/its community.
• The
CollaborativeProject Award will go to the person or organization who is unconcernedwith ownership of his/her/its idea and instead is partnering with others in effectiveand powerful ways to further the greater good.
• The
Global MissionalLeader Award will go to the person exhibiting an ability to motivate andlead those with whom they are working via a courageous and winsome approach.
• The
Outstanding ServiceAward willgo to the person who has shown a leadership rooted in loving others and whoseheart for service inspires others and encourages transformation.
• The
People’s ChoiceAward willbe chosen on Oct. 28 by those gathered at the Fox Theater from three nominatedindividuals or organizations.
The call for nominations closes May 30. Don’t miss it! According to this
blog post by Tim Abare,COO of Adventures in Missions, Epoch was the dream of a collaborativeenvironment, a hotspot of sorts, for those who are “wrecked” by the plight andpain of people locally and globally... for innovators, thought andaction-leaders, and those who open-handedly give of their time, talents, andresources.
The 2013Epoch Awards will be held at the fabulous Fox Theater in Atlanta, Georgia onOctober 28. You can nominate your unsung hero by going
here. And you can't nominate yourself. :)
Winners will receive awards totaling $50,000 that will thenbe used to restore places and people, and sustain projects that willaffect people locally and globally, specifically in the faith sector.
Featured guests include Jon Acuff and Bob Goff.I’m encouraged to see so many get behind those who are serving the least ofthese in the name of Christ. What a great event!
For more info, visit