Eight Things about Me

My friends, Christina and Mary, tagged me yesterday. First, the rules:

1. Each tagged “player” starts with eight random facts/habits about him- or herself.

2. A tagged person must write a blog entry about his or her eight things and post these rules.

3. At the end of the blog, the tagged person must include eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Leave them a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

Here are my eight random facts about myself:

1.) When I was little, my goal in life was to grow up to be Diana Ross. Whenever I would sing, my four siblings would mock sarcastically with, “Swing it, Diana.”

2.) Somebody has actually paid me to sing in a recording studio. More than once.

3.) My husband and I attended the Grammy Awards at Radio City Music Hall the year Whitney Houston racked up a bunch of awards, and Frank Sinatra made a drunken fool of himself.

4.) My first dog was a Collie named “Folly.”

5.) I was on drill team at Wakefield High in Arlington, Virginia, when our football team played W. T. Woodson, made famous by “Remember the Titans.” I can verify that the cheers in the movie were the actual ones chanted at the time. Ew. Ah-ah. Ew-ew, ah-ah.

6.) That same drill team performed at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in 1975, and I got within feet of President Ford. (That’ll date ya, huh?)

7.) Speaking of presidents, my husband and I almost got ourselves arrested the day of Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration when we set down a box of tracts in a park across from the White House and a couple of SWAT teams showed up to check it out. (Later that night my husband also crashed one of the inaugural balls in a tux, but I digress.)

8.) I have been in all but two of the fifty United States. Alaska and North Dakota are left.


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