Talk about Immigration...

A “nobody” kind of girl, Ruth is born in the wrong place—Moab. She marries an Israelite at the wrong time—when his nation is experiencing a famine. And she ends up in the wrong circumstances—her husband dies leaving her childless with no Social Security or unemployment insurance. Yet miraculously, this humble widow ends up as the right person in the right place at the right time. After accompanying her bitter, thankless mother-in-law to far-away Bethlehem, Ruth marries a much older man—a relative of her deceased husband. Why? So her mother-in-law can eat. And in the end this selfless act means Ruth’s progeny include Israel’s King David and ultimately Jesus. Why? Anything can happen to those who trust God and love others.

Premium Roast with Ruth, new in the Coffee Cup series, considers one of the two great women for whom a book of the Bible is named. Designed for group or individual study, this Bible study demonstrates how God is in control, always keeps promises, can reverse impossible circumstances, and blesses the faithful more richly and for longer than they could ever imagine. It also focuses on the heart of God toward those forced to migrate (a timely issue, indeed). Read an excerpt.

Due out any day. To pre-order from Amazon, scroll down and click on picture.


To E or Not to E


What Was Ann Coulter Thinking?