Sinful Melting Chocolate Cake
So every night for the past five, we've had chocolate for dessert. I did mentioned that, right--when I talked about the cruise? Well, said chocolate was in the form of a dessert called Melting Chocolate Cake.
Oh. My. Word.
Imagine chocolate souffle in an individual serving. Only when you cut into the middle, the cake part morphs into hot chocolate syrup in the center. So you have this unbelievable hot chocolate syrup all over the inside of the souffle. Did I mention the hot chocolate syrup?
Swooning yet? Okay, so... desiring (to our detriment, no doubt) to duplicate the experience at home, we asked our server to score us the recipe from the chef. And LAST NIGHT SHE GAVE IT TO US. Seriously. She brought to the table a photocopy of the recipe from the kitchen. We went wild...until we read it.
She may as well have said, "Warning: Do not try this at home."
Here's the secret recipe she gave us:
Semi Sweet Chocolate 70 lb.
Butter 70 lb.
Fresh Eggs 700 ea.
Sugar 18 lb.
Flour 25 lb.
(Okay, by this point I'm still committed enough to think I can divide by 700 and get the desired result. It's that good! So I keep reading...) Melt chocolate and butter. Mix half egg and half sugar and whisk for few minutes and add flour. Then add the balance egg. Add egg mixture to the melted chocolate mixture. Pour into ramekin cups. (Into what?) Bake directly in oven at 200 C for 15 to 20 minutes. (Wait, I don't speak C. I speak Fahrenheit.) Serve with vanilla ice cream in 2-oz. ramekin cups. Garnish with sweet chocolate. Please see steps for making chocolate Run Out (not included). Powder sugar. (Wait. The Run Out was the good part!)
We look up, perplexed. Our waitperson is laughing. She has obviously pulled this stunt before. And it's too late. We've already tipped her.
To make matters worse, today I return home to find in my "in" box an email from former student, Jared Binder, notifying me that he has written a helpful piece for the Observer on gluttony titled "What Would Jesus Eat?"