Happy Autumn!

My cousins' place on the South Santiam River in Oregon (seen here) and Grand Teton National Park are my two favorite places on earth. My cousin Bruce sent me these photos to give me my "beauty fix." (None of that gently zigzagging to the ground of red and yellow leaves here in Texas.)

When we were kids, my four siblings, two cousins, and I would hop in the river upstream a few miles with our inner tubes. Then we'd float to the house, in the process getting very cold rear ends. (We rejoiced when my aunt and uncle bought inflatable rafts.)

Other times we'd pretend we were dogs in obedience school so we could catch marshmallow "treats" in our mouths. And we'd ride on the huge swing in the pasture. Or watch the squirrels and hummingbirds and ducks and deer out the front picture window.

What's your favorite place on earth?


Good Resource on NT Backgrounds (esp Women)


Wordless Wednesday