And I Thought It Was Tough Here...

I received this in an email recently from a woman in Kenya:

I was wondering if you have time and you could help me understand [the issue of infertility]. I am writing a manual for women's ministry, and one of the topics that I am dealing with is infertility. Infertility in Africa is a very big deal but it's an issue that is not [discussed] in the church. Sad to mention infertile women are not well received in the community where there are small children. Besides, in the secular world as well as in the Church, men get a second wife if the first one is infertile.

There is a common saying that an infertile woman is a friend to a witch (wizard). To add insult to injury secular musicians compose songs that use the saying and the songs are played over the radio. I would like to begin a ministry to these women.

Can you imagine?


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