The Biggies

We started the day with a number of important sites:

* Pools of Bethesda – Where Jesus healed the lame man (John 5:1-24) and the church there, St Anne’s.

* Via Dolorosa - Stations of the Cross leading to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

* Church of the Holy Sepulcher – Considered by Catholics and Orthodox to be the location of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

* Tower of David - Museum of the History of Jerusalem at the Citadel.

After lunch we had an intimate press conference with Mr. Nir Bareket, Mayor of Jerusalem. I had the opportunity to ask two questions of concern to me. More on that hopefully in the days to come.

Then we headed for the Garden Tomb and Gordon’s Calvary, considered by many Protestants to be the site of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Our group shared communion together at the close of the day.

After dinner at our hotel, we bid farewell to our wonderful hostess and our guide (sniff!). I am ready to be home, but thrilled with the time I've had here.


Finally Home


Walls, Fortresses, Water