Wuthering Heights
Here are some factoids about the latest book on my reading list: The Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is not a grumpy cat.
Wuthering Heights was Emily Brontë’s one and only novel.
Jane Eyre is generally considered the best of the Brontë sisters’ narratives.
Emily first published her book under the pen name Ellis Bell in 1847. (Kinda like George Eliot being a female. It was super tough for a female to get published back then.)
“ Wuthering” is not an alteration of “withering.” It’s a Yorkshire word for turbulent weather. Yeah, that's appropriate.
The novel is about the obsessive love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how their passion destroyed themselves and pretty much everybody they knew. I'd seen the story as a movie, but the book is more complex (and full of abuse). Like, the movie makers left out the part where Heathcliff tries to hang the younger Catherine's dog. Yeah, what a creep. Emily B. put the "ic!" in Gothic. Not that I didn't like her story. It was a good read. But it's really da-a-a-ark.