
Tuesday I started exam two, Artemis/Ephesus. I turned it in before 10 on Wednesday, worked out, packed my bag, and headed to Little Rock, Arkansas. I had agreed to speak at a women's brunch before I knew my exam schedule. But the timing actually ended up being perfect for a quick getaway. I needed a change of scenery more than I knew, and I love going there. Susan and Ken, the couple that hosted me last time and this, have a lovely home overlooking the river. Plus Susan is a smart chica who makes me laugh. out. loud. Scream out loud is more like it. Just what I needed.

Last night they took me to a place called Trio's for dinner, where I enjoyed my first-ever shrimp enchilada. Yum. And I saw fall colors--sorely missing in Dallas.

The women at Fellowship Church in Little Rock plan to do both my Colossians and Philippians studies this spring. So I was providing an introduction to the cities of Philippi and Colossae in the ancient world and how what we know about them illuminates the text. (Or maybe I've just found a way to show "what I did on my vaction" slides under the cloak of legitimacy?)

Afterward, Susan treated four of us to a tour and exquisite lunch at the lovely Marlsgate Plantation. From there we went to Starbucks. Yeah, it was a rough day.

The women dropped me off at the airport, and when I got to my gate I learned that the flight was overbooked, and they didn't have a seat for me. Southwest Airlines said if I had to spend the night in Little Rock, they would pay for my hotel. But I didn't want to spend the night in Little Rock. I was supposed to land at 6:30, meet my friend Kelley at the Dallas Museum of Art, and hear Stacy Schiff talk about her new Cleopatra book at 7:30.

At the last minute a nice man volunteered to take the $300 voucher they were offering anyone who already had a seat to give it up. Someone took the bait, and I was on. My flight landed 20 minutes late. I ran to my car, weaved through traffic, found the last spot in the museum parking garage, and slid into a seat next to Kelley at 7:31. Whew!

Stacy Schiff has won the Pulitzer for good reason. And she was an outstanding speaker. Witty, articulate, bright. And she seems to have solved the mystery of whether Cleo-girl died of a snake bite. You'll have the read the book yourself to find out. It's excellent.

Tomorrow I start studying again. But oh, today! What a day. What a gift. I know many are praying for me. Thanks.



