Stuff I Like...

The Words with Friends app on the iPhone. I've been playing Scrabble with my niece and a good friend. Who know "qi" was a word?

The daily delivery of the NY Times headline summaries and links to stories to my in box every morning.

Joni Harms's music. She's an Oregon girl putting the Western back in the Country. "We Work It Out" is a great download for couples to sing to and memorize.

"Eyewitness" tour guide books. Photos and drawings inside: wonderful.

The elliptical over the treadmill and bike (working more muscles with the same amount of effort).

Knitting. I've made three scarfs in the past few weeks. My teen even asked if she could have one, so they must not be too dorky.

"The Biggest Loser." Inspiring television.

Making quesadillas with leftover beef or chicken. The avocados inside make it.

What stuff do you like?


A Musical Feast


Wordless Wednesday