Super Bowl LXV: An Opportunity to Traffic Humans?

Despite the freeze gripping Dallas/Fort Worth, Super Bowl Sunday is headed our way. And with it comes a big spike in

prostitution and human trafficking. Not to be confused with human smuggling, trafficking is the illegal trade in humans for the purpose of commercial exploitation.

. Experts estimate that 27 million people are enslaved worldwide. That's more than during the entire 400-year trans-Atlantic slave trade.

. The average cost of a slave is under $100.

. 80% of victims are female; 50 percent are children.

. Last year brought slave traders an estimated $32 billion income; that's more than Nike, Google, and Starbucks combined.

. The average age of entry into prostitution is 12 to 13.

. The average life expectancy of a child in sex slavery is 7 years or less.

The porn industry and trafficking are closely linked. Porn is the most financially profitable industry on the Internet. Most adult porn sites contain child porn.

We can reduce slavery by:

. Raising awareness.

. Recognizing the signs.

. Addressing demand. 65% of men in church and 35% of pastors are addicted to porn.

. Petitioning. Ask businesses to change practices and officials to change laws. Till last year, Craig's List Adult Services' section was the publication of choice for men seeking to purchase sex with a minor. Pressure from citizens and officials brought about a change, even though the section produced millions in income. Other magazines in the D/FW area that serve as sources for such ads: Dallas Observer, Fort Worth Weekly, and Backpage.

. Praying. Pray for rescue and restoration.

. Repenting. If you use porn, get help. Your consumption feeds the industry. And know that most people hooked on porn can't just decide to stop. They need group support and daily accountability.


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