Meeting the Peacemakers

Today a driver picked me up and ferried me to JETS, Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary. I was scheduled to interview DTS grad Dr. Nabeeh Abbassi (right), a native Jordanian, and provost and professor at JETS in Amman. The former head of the Baptists here, he pastors West Amman Baptist Church. In addition he serves as the Arab Affinity Director for Christar and is involved in church planting and discipleship throughout the Middle East.

I arrived early enough to attend chapel and listen to Arabic voices lifted in praise. I also shot some photos. Afterward as an unexpected bonus, Dr. Imad Shehadeah, president and founder of JETS, joined Dr. Abbassi and me for a fascinating interview.

Dr. Abbassi then drove me to the headquarters of Arab Woman Today Ministries, founded by his wife, Ruba (left). A Jordanian Christian like her husband, she has an Arabic radio, website, and social media ministry that addresses the needs of Arab women, and which broadcasts without limits in every place where Arabic is spoken. Her audience potential is in the millions.

His dream: Scholarships for training women theologically. Her dream: To get theological training.

Disclosure: The Jordan Tourism Board is covering most of the expenses for this trip, though it exercises no influence over what we say or write about it.


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