Seek First to Understand
When I observe the kinds of people who support Obama, what they stand for, the kinds of lives they lead--so very many of them are not who I would want to be associated with. Their ungodly world view and disdain for Christians/Christianity is paraded proudly. They obviously see something that makes them identify with him as like-minded. I would want to ask those sincere Christians who do support Obama how they feel about being on that same side--how come their world view seems to coincide more closely with the unrighteous. I just don't get it.
I fully acknowledge that there are ungodly people who support Republican/conservative principles just like their are godly people who support Democrat/liberal principles. There is no clear line--and some of the issues can get very complicated. But if I just stood back from the crowd and looked at the overall makeup of both camps, if I were inclined to be on the left, I would be asking myself why do I want to be associated with the group that has the far greater majority of folks who hate what I stand for. What is wrong with my thinking?