Two Ways to Start Your Year Off Right

Today a guest columnist, my friend Mary DeMuth, gives two suggestions for how to start your year off right: 

As you begin a new year, why not start out on a good foot? But how? Here are two easy-peasy ways to begin well.

Thing one:

First, I’ve developed a 13-day series based on my latest book, Everything. You'll learn about money, relationships, and your own heart. And every day, I supply a prayer you can pray to move forward. I've been doing a lot of thinking about 2013, longing to be different, taking inventory of last year. As I wrote this series, I asked myself hard questions and re-examined my heart and life. What I learned afresh: True life change comes from heart transformation. It doesn't come from resolutions or bootstrapping. It comes from surrender to Jesus.

If you’d like this free 13-day email journey, simply jump over to this post to sign up. 

Thing two: 

Last year I started a new revolution (well, not exactly a revolution, but a fun conspiracy nonetheless). Many folks choose a word for the year, which is a helpful and amazing way to focus your year and anticipate what God is doing. But being a visual girl, I wanted something more, something to represent abundance (2012's word) in a tangible way. So I chose a picture to go with the word.

This year I have four words. Choose small. Tend large. And I found a perfect picture. Here’s how you can do this too:

Pray about what word or phrase God might be speaking to you. Look over last year, remembering the main themes of your life. Look through your journal and look for repetitive words or scriptures. If you're still baffled, ask your spouse, children or close friend what they see from the outside.

Once you have your word(s), search through your picture archives or a free image site for an image. If you want to add your text to the image, consider trying Pic Monkey or Pixlr Express. (I use these both to make all my pins and images here; they are free).

Write a post about your words/image and link back to my original post about the #pic4year. Here's the link:
Join the party on my blog and upload your picture using the Linky Tools located on the bottom on my blog

Tweet about your fun picture using this hashtag: #Pic4Year 

I pray these two things help you start your year off beautifully. 


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