Dr. Zuck on Death
Death is inevitable. The Bible repeatedly mentions thebrevity of life, comparing it to a flower (Job 14:2), a shadow (Job 8:9), andgrass that withers (Ps 90:5). The number of our days is determined by God (Job14:5).
For us the death of a loved one is disquieting and distasteful, but forthe Lord it is a delight because He has another trophy of His grace in Hispresence forever. That’s why “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death ofhis saints” (Ps. 116:15).
Though our days are few (Job 14:1) and death isinexorable, God will release us “from the power of the grave” (Hos. 13:14). Wecan rejoice as we look forward to that day when we will be with our loved onesagain—and with the Lord—for all eternity! — Roy B. Zuck