Is Racism Still a Problem?
Today I'm happy to have as my guest Trillia Newbell, author of United: Captured by God's Vision for Diversity.
On the Last Day every tongue and tribe will be represented in the glorious chorus praising God withone voice. Yet today our churches remain segregated. Can we reflect the beautyof the last day this day? United will inspire, challenge, and encourage readers to pursue the joys of diversity through stories of the author’s own journey and a theology of diversity lived out. Civil Rights leaders of fifty years ago fought hard to overturn the “separate but equal” Jim Crow laws.America has come a long way since the 60′s. Our public facilities, parks,pools, and educational facilities—once segregated—are now filled with a varietyof ethnic groups enjoying the benefits of togetherness. Yet, our churchesremain separate but equal. In a time of great progress, why does the churchremain relatively unmoved? —Introduction to United: Captured By God’s Vision for Diversity
Q: Is racism still a problem in thiscountry in 2014?
A.To be honest, it’s easy to feel discouraged about where we’re at today, and—inthose moments—I have to remind myself about the progress that has been made,most especially in broader society. We know that civil rights leaders of fiftyyears ago fought hard, risking life and limb, to overturn the “separate butequal” Jim Crow laws. Those leaders hoped that blacks and whites would enjoylife together and that blacks would no longer be subjected to discriminationand hate crimes. This was the dream for the entire nation. Martin Luther KingJr. famously shared his dream that “one day right there in Alabama little blackboys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys andwhite girls as sisters and brothers.” America has clearly come a long way sincethe 1960s. Our public facilities, parks, pools, and educational facilities—oncesegregated—are now filled with a variety of ethnic groups enjoying the benefitsof their liberties. Yet our churches too often remain separate but equal.
Q: After so much progress in society, why does the churchremain relatively unmoved?
A: Perhaps we are all tired of the conversation about race. It doesn’t take muchto recognize that our country continues to be divided along racial lines.Perhaps it seems that the country is moving toward unity, but it’s afaçade—just check your local news. And though our society may want to move on,we can’t, and neither can or should the church. Maybe our churches remainsegregated simply because it’s comfortable. There’s nothing malicious to it; weare just more comfortable with “our own.” But also, it might be becausediversity and racial issues are scary. Talking about race and racialreconciliation can be downright terrifying. No one wants to offend, and in ourpolitically correct society, who would blame you? If you say the wrong thing,ask the wrong question, or call someone by the wrong name, will they be angry?
Areyou black or African-American? Chinese or Asian? Hispanic, Latino, or Mexican?
Thisis an explosive topic, and sometimes it seems that the wisest course of actionis to avoid it at all costs.
Q: You believe it’s vitally important to fight through therisks and the discomfort in order to fully live out the Gospel of Christ.
A: Yes. We can so clearly see throughout Scripture that God celebrates thediversity of His creation. He does not distinguish between races: He createdman in His own image, sent His Son to save the world, and saves anyone whobelieves. God calls Christians to be imitators of Christ and to walk in love.If He doesn’t show partiality, neither should we. The problem with the currentchurch model and experience for most of us is that while we affirm these truthswith our lips, Sunday morning reveals a different story.
Q: Your father played a big part in shaping your desire toembrace diversity...
A: Absolutely. I remember sitting on my Dad’s lap as a young girl while he toldstories about being beaten for not standing to sing “Dixie” at a sporting eventand about the torture and pain that many blacks experienced in the South. He’dend his sobering stories, which never failed to rile me up, by saying, “But,Trillia, we need to love everyone regardless of race or religion.” As a result,I grew up wanting to accept everyone, despite my own rejection at times. It washow my father raised me—to love those who hate you.
Q: How did becoming a Christian change your perspective on identity?
A: What I began to discover shortly after high school as I started growing in my Christian faith was that my identity is notsolely that I am a black female, nor is it dependent on what others think ofme. My identity is in Christ. When I find my identity in Christ and not inoutward appearance, there’s satisfaction. I’m satisfied in Him because He lovesme. I finally understood that my identity is not my own—my identity isn’t aboutme. But it’s one thing to know this truth; it’s another to understand it andhave opportunities to apply it. I am thankful that I have found thoseopportunities within my church and throughout my walk with Christ.Understanding that my identity is no longer in my blackness, what I do anddon’t do, or how others view me has been incredibly freeing. This knowledgeallows me to enjoy my relationship with Christ and my relationships withothers. It has also provided me the opportunity to enjoy my identity as a blackwoman in a better way. Being black is a part of my identity. But it isn’t my entire identity
Stay tuned for part 2.