Kay Warren is Coming to Dallas

Those living with mental illness and developmentaldisabilities consistently find themselves on society's margins, oftenbeing shunned or ignored. Yet each person is an image-bearer of our God, has arole in his kingdom, and deserves love and care. So how do we sensitivelyminister to those on the fringes of our communities and reflect the kind ofcare Jesus gave? How do we compassionately exhort God’s people, in all areas ofability, to follow Him and work toward His redemption of the world? Kay Warrenof Saddleback Church will help guide us in this event that's opento the public.

Kay Warren
Kay Warren cofounded Saddleback Church with her husband, RickWarren, in Lake Forest, California. She is a passionate Bible teacher andrespected advocate for those living with HIV and AIDS, orphaned and vulnerablechildren, as well as for those affected by a mental illness. She foundedSaddleback's HIV& AIDS Initiative. Kay is the author of Choose Joy:Because Happiness Isn't Enough and Say Yes to God, and coauthor of Foundations,the popular systematic theology course used by churches worldwide. Her childrenare Amy and Josh, and Matthew who is in heaven, and she has five grandchildren.
Date: Monday, April 20, 2015
Place: Dallas Theological Seminary, Lamb Auditorium
Registration Fee
$70/person (until 2/20/2015)
$85/person (until 4/3/2015)
$95/person (after 4/3/2015)
Go to dts.edu/conferences/marginalized for more info.



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