Calvin Festival 2016

The Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing, which I consider the best thing since Icarus got wings, happens every other year. This April the Festival rolls around again. And Calvin just announced some of their speakers. These include poet Christian Wiman, whom I have talked about here  in the past, as well as Sarah Bessey, also reviewed on his site. Upon reading the 2016 lineup of speakers, one of my well-read friends asked me, "omGGG! Do you know how gigantic of a deal Zadie Smith is???" (I didn't.) There's also Nadia Bolz-Weber, author of Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint. You can listen now to her NPR interview titled "Lutheran Minister Preaches a Gospel of Love to Junkies, Drag Queens, and Outsiders." And returning is poet Scott Cairns, whom I talked about in the past. Love. The Festival features so many more. Check it out. 



Mars Hill Audio


Eleven Christians in Syria Crucified, Beheaded